Placements are open to all Cranfield University graduates.
Most successful placement volunteers will have the relevant technical background required for the position. Applicants should be able to demonstrate a strong interest in development, and the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience to undertake the placement successfully.
All volunteers will be assigned with a Project Appraisal Officer (PAO) who will be their point of contact before departure and during placements. The PAO will provide support through regular contact with volunteer and ensuring timely payments of subsistence. Please be aware that as SAFAD is exclusively run by Cranfield students, a new committee will be elected each October hence the PAO for 2016 will be different for 2017. Once the new committee is formed, all projects will be handed over and volunteers will be contacted by the new PAO. In the unlikely case of a medical or other emergency, the volunteer will be supplied with a contact number for SAFAD, who have access to their next of kin details, insurance and relevant medical details.
Volunteers are required to complete an Initial Monitoring Report within the first 4 weeks of arrival. Towards the end of their placement, volunteers are required to produce a Finale Evaluation Report. This is used by the placements programme to determine what the volunteer has achieved during their placement, and deal with any problems with the placement for the following year. Volunteers are encouraged to submit a presentation to SAFAD for next year’s committee programme promotion.
Volunteers depart for their host country in either October or November. It is the responsibility of the volunteer to ensure that all necessary documents are acquired to facilitate their departure by the end of November; volunteers need to be aware of the time it takes for a visa application. Volunteers are required to fulfill their placement for 6-12 months, depending on what the placement description indicates.
Volunteers can apply for up to 3 placements each. Applicants are graded, and a shortlist of candidates is invited for interview.
SAFAD covers all pre-departure costs, such as flights, visa, insurance and vaccinations. Volunteers will assume the responsibility of getting quotations for their expenses prior to purchase and seek approval from SAFAD. It is volunteer’s responsibility to negotiate the Terms of Reference and budget, which must fall within SAFAD’s scope, with the partner organisation to set a monthly subsistence allowance.
Volunteers must contribute £300 towards their placement prior to departure. SAFAD will support volunteers in terms of fundraising activities. A refundable deposit of £200 is also required for successful applicants to secure the position.